Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique
Eliminate Your Allergies
What is an allergy? An allergy is “overreaction” or “hyper sensitivity” of the body’s immune system to certain substances.
In the allergic person, the allergic substance is viewed by the brain as a threat to the body’s well-being. When contact is made with an allergen, it causes energy blockages in the body. These energy blockages cause interference in communication between the brain and body via the nervous system. This in turn begins a chain of events that can develop into an allergic response. N.A.E.T. (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique) is a natural, painless, and non-invasive treatment used to permanently eliminate food and environmental allergies*. N.A.E.T. utilizes a combination of kinesiology, acupuncture/acupressure, and nutritional management to accomplish allergy elimination. We use standard medical diagnosic procedures, computer testing, and allergy testing procedures from kinesiology and chiropractic to identify the problem. We also use MRT, or muscle response testing, to evaluate the response of the patient to the treatment.
N.A.E.T. treatment and N.A.E.T. testing can be done on anyone, from children to elderly patients and can be successfully used to treat side effects of other medications.

How Does N.A.E.T. Work?
The N.A.E.T. treatment stimulates pressure points along the spine from the neck to the sacrum while the patient is holding an allergen. Specific acupressure points are then massaged, or acupuncture needles may be used, to stabilize the treatment. The substance must then be completely avoided for 25 hours following the treatment for best results. This treatment will essentially reprogram the brain and nervous system to not see the given allergen as a threat to the body any longer. It will clear the blocked energy in the body and promote natural healing.
N.A.E.T. also emphasizes good nutrition. N.A.E.T. testing can evaluate the consumption of your foods, supplements, and drinks and find out if those substances are compatible with your body.
Undiagnosed allergies are often the cause of common or chronic illnesses and when left untreated can become serious or critical. Allergies can be inherited from a parent, they can develop in childhood, or they can develop slowly over time.
N.A.E.T. is an innovative solution for allergies that is completely natural, painless and non-invasive. It can be used safely on anyone, including children, newborn infants, elderly patients, even women who are pregnant. NAET can also be used to treat healthy individuals with hidden allergies that may cause illness in the future. N.A.E.T has also been proven to improve the symptoms of Autism including children's communication skills, and received NAET treatments in combining both acupressure and kinesiology. Click to View Treating Autism with NAET
In addition, N.A.E.T. can be used to treat side effects of other drugs (ex: antibiotics, chemotherapy, steroids) and to maximize the effectiveness of the drugs.
A few examples of conditions N.A.E.T. has successfully treated: ADD/ADHD, Acne, Arthritis, Autoimmune Diseases, Autism, Asthma, Blood Pressure issues, Bronchitis, Candida, Chronic Fatigue, Constipation, Eczema, Environmental Allergies, Food Allergies, Frequent Colds, Gastritis, Gout, Hay Fever, Headaches, Herpes, Hives, Hormone Imbalances, Hypoglycemia, Indigestion, Insomnia, IBS, Migraines, Motion Sickness, Night Sweats, Parasites, PMS, Poison Ivy, Psoriasis.
People have been treated for any number of issues. If your body is having a problem due to exposure to an allergen, then N.A.E.T. can help!