We have made videos to help you have a better understanding of NAET and Chinese medicine. Keep checking our website or You Tube channel- Dunn Healthy for more informational videos that can help you improve your health.
Hemp Oil- It’s for so much more than just pain or sleep.
Hemp oil can be used for so much more than just pain or helping you sleep. It has a big impact on your whole body & is good for pets too!
Stressed Out?
Stress can take a big toll on your body. Helping your adrenals stay strong and nourishing your body is vitally important!
Why You Must Treat the Basics
When treating your allergies with NAET it is important to start with the Basics.
Eliminate Your Allergies!
Learn more about how NAET can help your body be allergy free and feel good again.
The Importance of a Healthy Gut Biome in Autism
Your gut health is directly related to your brain health. Research now shows that our gut health has such a dramatic impact on our brain, including dementia, auto-immune issues, anxiety, ADD, autism, and many more that some medical professional are now referring to it as our first brain.